Expats in Luxembourg (www.expats.lu)

Working, living, nightlife, culture, telephone directory, real estate, jobs ...

Direct links to English websites in and about Luxembourg. ONLY WEBSITES IN ENGLISH ARE LISTED!


White & Yellow pages

English Media

You need a local map or route,
You are looking for a supplier,
You try to geograpically locate a friend...

This is where you should look: www.yellow.lu

  • Radio: Radio ARA (103,3 & 105,2 FM) in English on weekdays from 06.00-14.00
  • Print: 352 (weekly magazine, available in most bookshops and upon subscription), Business Review (monthly business magazine in English), Paperjam (monthly business magazine, partly in English)
  • Internet: Station.lu

Going out

Useful Information

Main banks
Useful for / at work
Various links for Luxembourg expats
Expat Blogs (soon available)

Benefits (Sympass.lu) | Yellow Pages (Yellow.lu) | White Pages |  Jobs | Real Estate (Athome.lu) e-mail us |